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November 26, 2024

Magnum Champagnes and Burgs

Dinner at a private dining facility.

1996 Bruno Paillard Assemblage, dégorgée en Janvier 2006, en magnum - the acidity was quite nice on the palate. The wine was starting to show some maturity but still tasted youthful and lively. On the nose there was a little flint, a little sugar cane, and a hint of straw. Overall this was rather elegant.

Bought from Sotheby's for USD 396.

Krug Grande Cuvée, 2nd generation, en magnum - this was REALLY fragrant, with marmalade and especially aged lemon peel with that savory profile on the palate. Just absolutely beautiful. My wine of the night.

2019 Dauvissat Chablis - this was actually pretty buttery on the nose, much to my surprise. Thankfully still got the acidity I want from a Chablis.

2009 Darviot-Perrin Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Blanchots Dessus - this was definitely more buttery and toasty on the nose.

Rémy Martin 250th Anniversary - lovely vanilla and caramel.

2012 Sine Qua Non In the Abstract - wow! This was soooo fragrant. A little bit of flint, sweet vanilla, toasty popcorn, sooo buttery! So beautiful this was fucking good!

1987 DRC La Tâche - very subtle floral notes on the nose. Also showing tea leaves with a little bit of savory notes, leather, and animal. Pretty fragrant after a few minutes. The owner of the bottle felt that the wine was showing better in the smaller Gabriel Glas than the big Riedel Sommeliers, and of course he would be correct.

2006 Casanova di Neri Cerretalto - very minty and plenty of eucalyptus, also earthy. Drinking very well.

Tien Heung Lau Huadiao (天香樓花雕) - this was the 'syrup' that's been aging for a long time, and the viscosity really shows. Very savory, soooo fragrant, and so rich. Not too sweet on the palate at all.

2018 Fingers Crossed Grenache Off the Record - this was opened almost 9 hours before serving. Nose was really metallic, with lots of sweet fruit, tons of oak, and lots of eucalyptus. Very young but lovely.

1990 Laurent Perrier Grand Siècle - I drank this nearly 2½ hours after opening. Nose was showing a hint of straw. On the palate we've got good acidity along with some ripeness, good maturity now thanks to aging.

Full post on dinner is here.

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