This is still a work in progress as I upload tasting notes and wine labels from as far as 1999... Check back once in a while to get the updates.

August 22, 2024

Three Italians

2015 Valentini Trebbiano d'Abruzzo - the wine was showing a nice and toasty fragrance, which also seemed a little fat. The palate was kinda rounded but still got a nice amount of acidity for balance. Drinking well.

2007 Rinaldi Barolo Brunate Le Coste - the nose was really fragrant and lovely, very floral, and nice and sweet like candy, but this was also a little sharp and alcoholic at first. The palate was showing ripe and stewed fruits that would be typical of a wine that is much older, and we've definitely got the acidity on the palate as one would expect. Pretty nice.

2008 Sassicaia - decanted for an hour before putting back in the bottle, then triple-decanted about 1½ hours after first opening. Started drinking nearly 3 hours after opening. This was smoky, minty, meaty, and really fragrant. Classic Sassicaia. Soft enough on the palate but still got the concentration.

Full post on dinner is here.

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