This is still a work in progress as I upload tasting notes and wine labels from as far as 1999... Check back once in a while to get the updates.

February 28, 2003

1991 Faiveley Echezeaux

Drinking at home.

1991 Faiveley Echezeaux
- body was extremely light, probably because it's Echezeaux, after all.  Never quite developed and remained slightly acidic.  Flat on the palate.  A bit earthy.  The nose, however, was very good.  Opened up well with core of sweet fruits.

Bought from Tatung Atherton for TWD 3,500.

February 24, 2003

MNSC Dinner - Plats

MNSC dinner at Plats.  Theme was 1987 - 1997 Californian.

1997 Beringer Cabernet Private Reserve - smooth on the palate, and became flatter.  Pretty Bordeaux-like.  As it opened up it improved somewhat.

1996 Ridge Monte Bello - nose was very sweet, with vanilla and oaky notes.  A bit acidic on the palate.

199x Fisher - don't remember the vintage or the wine... but perhaps Wedding Vineyard.  A totally sweet fruit bomb.

1995 Philip Togni - what a disappointment!  The nose was dominated by sweet grass, stewed fruits.  Not the fruit bomb I had expected.

1993 Beringer Cabernet Sauvignon Chabot Vineyard

1998 Plumpjack Reserve - pretty concentrated.

February 19, 2003

1990 Peter Lehmann Stonewell

Dinner at Xi Yan. Brought 2 bottles of this.

1990 Peter Lehmann Shiraz Stonewell
- double-decanted at home. By the time we got around to drinking, it was smooth but was a bit flat.  Not happy.

Bought from Many for HKD 520.
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